I help leaders build team capability by embedding learning into their team's DNA.

To do this, I draw on my decades of experience in learning and development and bring formal training expertise to leader-led learning.

Team Culture of Learning

The Team Culture of Learning program helps leaders coach and develop their employees. It’s a team development program with leaders at the core. Research has shown that organizations that focus on both performance and people excel in profitability, resilience and consistency. 

Leaders who coach and develop their employees create a culture where employees are more engaged, teams are more productive and more resilient to change. A team culture of learning builds team capability, allowing the leader to focus on more strategic initiatives instead of day-to-day tasks. When employees work in a team with a culture of learning, they benefit from career growth in addition to career advancement.

Workshops in Team Culture of Learning

Can be completed as stand-alone or as part of Build Your Team Culture

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