5 Behaviors of Cohesive Teams

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team program helps leaders and their teams understand how they score on the critical components of The Five Behaviors model: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Team members will learn about their personality style and the styles of their peers – based on the Everything DiSC model – and how their style contributes to the team’s overall success.

5 Behaviors of Cohesive Teams


Program Objectives

Increase cohesion in the team b

  • Establishing how the team is doing on each behavior of The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team model
  • Exploring how each of the five behaviors currently plays out on the team and identifying what needs to change
  • Identifying specific actions the team will undertake to improve its functioning and increase its cohesion

Learning Approach

I recommend a developmental approach instead of a one-time training event. These are the components that support the team’s transformation.

Team Diagnostic


Each person completes an online assessment and receives a personalized report that includes personal and team information.

  • The personal information has a foundation in Everything DiSC and highlights strengths and opportunities for development according to the Five Behaviors. 
  • The team information is an amalgamation of the entire team’s ‘makeup’ and provides insight into how the team functions.

Download a sample report: 5B sample team report.pdf

In-person session

The assessment is followed by an in-person session, which focuses on understanding the model, reviewing team members’ reports, and gaining insights into the strengths and opportunities for team development. Through facilitated discussion, the team identifies the area(s) they want to focus on to be more effective. Teams commit to practices to strengthen the area(s) they identify.

I recommend completing this session as two half days – an afternoon followed by a morning. This allows for a team dinner in the evening and the opportunity to discuss insights from the afternoon session.  

Virtual Accountability session

Approximately six weeks after the in-person session, the team meets virtually for a facilitated session. We review their agreed-upon areas(s) of focus. I lead a discussion on the practices the team committed to, focusing on progress and areas of struggle. The emphasis is on team accountability.

Impact Cycles

Impact Cycles allow the team to assess progress to date and identify new area(s) to focus on to improve their team cohesion. While optional, I recommend a re-assessment, “Progress Report,” to validate their progress.

In the half-day session, they uncover new insights and identify the next area(s) to focus on, including new practice commitments.


After the initial Impact Cycle, teams can choose to continue or stop according to their needs and the team’s functioning.

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