Virtual Design
This course is included in the Design for a Digital Age program.
Virtual Design Welcome video
Virtual Design: Pre self-assessment
Online training article
State of Virtual Training report
Technology Intro video
What are your thoughts about technology?
Technology Quick Reference
What delivery platform will you use?
Platform features
In-session technology platforms
Between session technology
Make it Real: Explore Technology
High-Level Design Intro video
High-Level Design Quick Reference
High-Level Design overview
Engagement Continuum article
Number of participants in online session
Smorgasbord of HLD ideas
Make it Real: High-Level Design
Program Materials Intro video
Program Materials Quick Reference
Facilitation Guide Overview
Producer Role
Producer role - client perspective
Slides for online training
Types of Participant Materials
Participant Workbook for virtual delivery
What past participants have shared
Make it Real: Program Materials
Virtual Design: Post self-assessment
Virtual Design: Course feedback