In March 2020 the world moved online. Learning and development professionals quickly redesigned in-person programs for online delivery. It was quick and 'clunky' at times. There was grace and generosity from our participants who forgave us as we learned the technology and struggled with how to engage in a virtual setting.

COVID set the low watermark. As we enter the 'next normal' with ongoing remote work and learning, we face a high watermark. Offering the same reworked courses won't meet these higher standards we collectively have now for innovative, online design that is interactive, engaging and achieves measurable learning outcomes.

Join me in this session to move from 'winging' online design and delivery to 'wowing' participants. Learn a framework and concrete techniques for integrating technology, design and delivery to create innovative, seamless and engaging online programs.

How will these 1 hour sessions help you?

These are engaging, interactive sessions. You will benefit by: 

  • Learning a framework for designing and delivering virtual training.
  • Gaining concrete tips you can apply right away.
  • Having a conversation to learn from others.
  • Receive a handout summarizing the content in the session.
  • Gain access to additional resources related to designing for online.

Series includes

These are the webinars in this series.